Brighton Tutors is bringing our SAT & ACT Test Prep Tutoring and College Admissions expertise to our blog – STUDIOUSLY YOURS, –
Here, you’ll get real talk from Brighton Tutors founder, Ashraf Alam, covering all aspects of the SAT and ACT Exams and the College Admissions Process. Drawing on a decade of SAT & ACT Test Prep tutoring experience, Ashraf will address common SAT and ACT concerns, talk strategy, and help you prepare your child for testing success.
He’ll also break down the complex, often-confusing, aspects of the College Admissions Process. Ashraf's insights on application elements like High School Coursework, Extracurricular Activities, the SAT and ACT Exams, Teacher Recommendations, and Admissions Essays will provide readers with the tools that savvy students use to get accepted to their college(s) of choice.
We’ll post new articles each month, so check back for the latest STUDIOUSLY YOURS, insight. As we get the blog going, we welcome your feedback, comments, and questions.
Studiously Yours,
Ashraf Alam & Brighton Tutors
